​Ealing Parks Foundation objects to demolition of historic East Lodge, in Lammas Park to build a block of flats

Historic East Lodge

Proposed development

Proposed six storey block of flats as seen from Church Lane showing height relative to trees and existing park gates – drawings reproduced from the planning application.
A planning application has been submitted to demolish the historic East Lodge in Lammas Park and build a six-storey block of flats in its place.
Ealing Parks Foundation objects to this proposal. As a charity, one of our key objectives is to protect, and enhance public parks for the benefit of the community, conserving heritage and the natural environment.
Approving this application to build within the park boundary, would be a very concerning precedent for future developments within public parks and protected green spaces in Ealing. It is essential to protect and conserve our heritage and green space and uphold the integrity of our parks for people’s recreation, health, and well-being.
Ealing Parks Foundation will be making a formal objection to the proposal. Anyone wishing to make an objection, should remember it needs to be about the proposal to demolish East Lodge and build a block of flats in its place – and not about the drainage works in the park! You should object on “planning grounds”, not just a dislike of the proposal to make sure your voice is heard.
To add your objection to this proposal, go to the Council's planning website and 'make a comment'. It can be useful to look at other comments, to pick up ideas what to say.
Key points that could be included:
Lammas Park is designated as Metropolitan Open Land and protected by the London Plan – (it is similar to a green belt in London).
The proposal is inappropriate and an unprecedented private development within a public park in Ealing.
East Lodge has been accepted for inclusion in the extended Ealing Green Conservation Area.
The location is not designated in the new Ealing Local Plan as suitable for a tall building.
It is over-development of a small site.
There will inevitably be an adverse environmental impact arising from the development itself, the additional light generated, disruption to wildlife and the removal of a mature tree.
Background Information
Lammas Park
In 1881, some 23 acres were purchased by Ealing Local Board when it was feared the land might be lost as open space. Lammas Park was created as one of Ealing’s first public parks. Charles Jones, the borough architect, designed the park as we know it, including the entrance gates, and East Lodge.
For over one hundred years, East Lodge was park keeper’s accommodation. In 1997 the council sold the Lodge to a housing association, and it was lived in until around 2022.
Now, over 140 years since the public park was opened, we need to protect it once again for future generations.